Boston Islamic Interfaith Society
Welcome to BIIS

Welcome to BIIS, an interfaith organization dedicated to bringing together individuals from diverse religious backgrounds to address urgent societal challenges collectively. Our core mission revolves around fostering dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among various faith communities to cultivate a more harmonious society.

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Who we are

We are BIIS, a place where our heart beats with a singular, powerful purpose: to uplift and empower the youth of Massachusetts. The city of Boston faces a spectrum of challenges, from the grips of gang and gun violence to the nuances of youth delinquency and the rampant spread of marijuana dispensaries. These issues, while daunting, ignite in us a compelling call to action.

At BIIS, we are passionately committed to healing the societal fractures that have long divided our community. We firmly believe through the power of unity and compassion, we can transform Massachusetts into a stronger, more cohesive community.

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Our Mission

Become a beacon of excellence, building a thriving interfaith community. Through engagement, empowerment, and education, we are committed to nurturing individuals into future leaders of change, thereby shaping a world that is both more peaceful and progressive.


We place great emphasis on understanding the core tenets of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and other belief systems. We encourage both Muslims and individuals from all faiths to engage in learning about each religion, fostering a culture of deep appreciation and respect for the diverse perspectives that enrich our community.

Our Vision

To establish ourselves as a leading model of interfaith harmony and educational excellence. We envision a world enriched by diverse cultural and religious understanding, contributing to a more peaceful and prosperous society.


Our diverse selection of youth classes are crafted to foster respect, understanding, and empathy. From religious studies and health awareness to technology and business education, we provide enriching experiences to shape well-rounded individuals.

Interfaith Initiatives

Please donate
generously to purchase the school building

Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.

BIIS Virtual Tour

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