Elder John G. Manion

Religious Leader

Elder John Manion, as the Religious Director of the Boston Islamic Interfaith Society (BIIS), brings a wealth of religious knowledge and experience that uniquely qualifies him for his role. His journey in faith began in Concord, MA, and has since traversed through various Christian denominations, enriching his understanding of religious dynamics.

Elder Manion’s academic achievements in Creative Writing at Beloit College and a Master of Divinity Degree from Harvard University have equipped him with a profound understanding of religious texts and narratives. His transition from Roman Catholic Christianity to Pentecostal Christianity during his military service in South Korea represents a significant personal and spiritual evolution, providing him with firsthand experience in the variability and diversity of religious belief.

Professionally, Elder Manion has demonstrated a deep commitment to serving various congregations. His roles as an Assistant Pastor, co-pastor of a Chinese-style House Church, and current involvement with the Bethel Tabernacle Pentecostal Church under Bishop Doctor Gwendolyn G. Weekes reflect his deep engagement with Christian communities. His project of translating the Bible into English from Greek and Hebrew showcases his intelligence, and dedication to making religious teachings more accessible.

In his role at BIIS, Elder Manion’s extensive knowledge of Christian theology, combined with his journey through different branches of Christianity, makes him an invaluable asset in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. He is uniquely positioned to lead educational initiatives that explore the commonalities and differences among religions, fostering a respectful and inclusive environment. His leadership at BIIS is instrumental in guiding the community toward embracing religious diversity and creating a more peaceful future.